Category Fitness

Top 15 Exercises for Effective Back Workouts

Top 15 Exercises for Effective Back Workouts

Many people focus on building their “mirror muscles” (think: chest, shoulders, arms, and abs). But to create a well-rounded physique, you don’t want to skimp on back workouts to sculpt the other side of your body, too. Whether you’re wearing…

Enhance Your Core and Lower Body with Switch Kicks

Enhance Your Core and Lower Body with Switch Kicks

An exercise with a name like “switch kicks” probably makes you think that the focus is on the legs and butt. And although the switch kick will fire up every muscle from your hips down to your toes, it also strengthens your core, explains Rebekah Miller,…

10 Leg Stretches to Boost Flexibility

10 Leg Stretches to Boost Flexibility

Given everything our legs do for us every day, it’s no surprise many of us get hit with muscle tightness. When this happens, it can be tough to sit, stand, and walk. You can relieve this tightness by performing leg stretches regularly. The…

Exploring the Bro Diet: Is It a Healthy Choice?

Exploring the Bro Diet: Is It a Healthy Choice?

Social media has been buzzing about The Bro Diet. No, it’s not the latest viral horror film which involves the consumption of meatheads — although that’s probably in the works as we speak. Instead, the Bro Diet is an eating plan for…