Category Fitness

Does Cycling Affect the Size of Your Butt?

Does Cycling Affect the Size of Your Butt?

If you’re looking to cycling to make your butt bigger — or you’re conversely worried that it will — you should know that building muscle isn’t easy. It’s a process that requires resistance training and proper nutrition in equal, ample…

10 Exercises to Boost Size and Strength

10 Exercises to Boost Size and Strength

Biceps exercises are a real bone of contention for some folks. Functional gurus will tell you that bulging biceps won’t help you escape a burning building. Powerlifters will say they don’t do much for your deadlift. Some fitness curmudgeons even…

Mastering the Squat Thrust and 5 Dynamic Variations

Mastering the Squat Thrust and 5 Dynamic Variations

What makes the squat thrust so effective? Using only your bodyweight, it repeatedly hits many of the major muscle groups in both your upper and lower body, thereby creating a huge oxygen demand and a significant cardiovascular challenge when performed at high intensity.…

7 Wall-Based Stretches You Can Do Anywhere

7 Wall-Based Stretches You Can Do Anywhere

Yoga blocks and straps can benefit any stretching practice, but what if I told you that you already have another amazing prop at your disposal? I’m talking about a good, old-fashioned wall. A firm horizontal surface gives you the support…

Ideal Attire for a Barre Workout

Ideal Attire for a Barre Workout

If you’re trying a barre workout, like Xtend Barre, for the first time, you may be wondering what you should wear. And if you weren’t wondering, here’s a heads up: Your usual workout attire may not be ideal for a…