Category Fitness

Mastering Tree Pose (Vrksasana) in Yoga

Mastering Tree Pose (Vrksasana) in Yoga

Tree pose is an iconic balancing posture in yoga. Known in Sanskrit as vrksasana (also spelled vriksasana and vrikshasana), tree pose “is one of the first balance poses a practitioner learns in yoga,” says Stephanie Saunders, BODi Vice President of fitness…

Ocho Motivos para Empezar a Consumir Shakeology

Ocho Motivos para Empezar a Consumir Shakeology

Si buscas mantenerte saludable y en forma, y perder peso, beber un licuado de plátano y mantequilla de maní sería lo último que harías, ¿cierto? Por eso, si escuchas a alguien profesar su amor por su receta de Shakeology favorita…

5 Advantages of Protein Shakes

5 Advantages of Protein Shakes

The benefits of protein shakes extend to pretty much anybody with fitness goals, whether it’s building muscle, losing weight, or ensuring you get enough protein to support overall health. There’s a reason why you see so many people — and…

How Fast Do People Typically Walk?

How Fast Do People Typically Walk?

Walking is a low-impact form of cardio that’s accessible and affordable. To reap the benefits of walking, though, you’ll want to take note of your average walking speed and aim to keep a brisk pace. That’ll vary based on your fitness…

The Nutritional Benefits of a Candy Cane

The Nutritional Benefits of a Candy Cane

Is there a treat more festive than a candy cane? With its jolly red and white swirls, these sweet, minty-cool candies are ubiquitous throughout the holiday season. Striped and sugary, they range from tiny morsels to oversize novelties — and…

5 Fun Pumpkin Workouts for Halloween

5 Fun Pumpkin Workouts for Halloween

A Halloween workout? Well, it doesn’t take a mad scientist (or a person dressed as one) to realize that a pumpkin can be used as a weight, making them perfect for these pumpkin exercises! The Halloween gourds grown for carving typically…

Mastering Frog Pose (Mandukasana) in Yoga

Mastering Frog Pose (Mandukasana) in Yoga

After building up a good sweat during a long yoga class, I like to put students right into pigeon pose. But this isn’t the only hip-opening option before savasana: The glute stretch from pigeon pose pairs perfectly with the inner thigh stretch…