Category Fitness

Delicious Snickerdoodle Shake | BODi

Delicious Snickerdoodle Shake | BODi

This Simple Snickerdoodle Shake is just that — a four-ingredient shake that showcases the rich, creamy cinnamon-sugar cookie flavor of Snickerdoodle Shakeology. We amped up the already delicious flavors of Snickerdoodle Shakeology — vanilla blended with cinnamon, nutmeg, and zingy…

Tips for Ordering a Healthy Meal at Chipotle

Tips for Ordering a Healthy Meal at Chipotle

With fresh, responsibly-sourced ingredients, Chipotle is a good fast food/fast casual option that makes it easy to eat healthy on the go. But the yummy chips, toppings, and tortillas also make it easy to turn your order into an unintended cheat meal.…

Guide to Performing the Lateral Band Walk (Video)

Guide to Performing the Lateral Band Walk (Video)

What do knock knees, flat feet, and IT band syndrome all have in common? They’re often associated with weak glutes and hip abductors (muscles that lift your legs out to the sides). If you want to strengthen these muscles, the lateral band walk is a…

Top Equipment Picks for Your Home Gym

Top Equipment Picks for Your Home Gym

Thinking of putting together a home gym? For a lot less than the cost of an annual gym membership, you can stock up on all the essential home exercise equipment you need to get seriously fit, and it’ll last for…

How to Bulk and Cut for a Body Transformation

How to Bulk and Cut for a Body Transformation

Cycling between “bulking ” and “cutting” is a common strategy for getting ripped. During the bulking phase, you create a calorie surplus while training in beast mode to build as much muscle mass as possible. During the cutting phase, you create…

Discover 71 Hidden Names for Sugar on Labels

Discover 71 Hidden Names for Sugar on Labels

There are many different names for sugar, which can make it difficult to cut added sugar from your diet. Reducing your added-sugar intake can be beneficial for your health, and may even help with weight loss. Here are 71 names…

Selecting the Right Strength-Training Program

Selecting the Right Strength-Training Program

No matter your fitness objective, resistance training can probably help you achieve your goals. Trouble is, with the Internet so besieged by training tips and recommendations, how can you tell a strength-training program that will deliver real results from another…