Category Fitness

Breakfast Recipes for the 21 Day Fix Program

Breakfast Recipes for the 21 Day Fix Program

A healthy, balanced breakfast is a great way to set your day up for success. That said, for some people, making sound nutrition decisions right after rolling out of bed isn’t ideal. The answer: This roundup of 21 Day Fix…

Discover the Healthiest Soups for Your Diet

Discover the Healthiest Soups for Your Diet

A steamy bowl of soup on a chilly day is pretty much guaranteed to be satisfying. And while it always seems like a light option (“I’ll just have the soup!”), not every soup is great for your waistline. It turns…

Mastering the Single-Leg Calf Raise Technique

Mastering the Single-Leg Calf Raise Technique

Single-leg calf raises are a great exercise if you’re looking to add muscle and definition to a pair of chicken legs (or to jump higher, reduce your risk of ankle injury, and generally increase your athletic performance). When it comes…

Plant-Based Monday Recipes to Start Your Week

Plant-Based Monday Recipes to Start Your Week

While lean animal protein can absolutely be part of a healthy diet, reducing your overall meat consumption may have lasting benefits for your overall health as well as the planet. Not quite sure if you’re ready to go completely meat-free? Try experimenting with some Meatless…

7 Advantages of Coconut Milk

7 Advantages of Coconut Milk

If you’re looking for a dairy-free milk alternative, you’ve got plenty of options to choose from — like soy, macadamia, oat, almond, cashew, and rice milk, just to name a few. But coconut milk benefits in particular have been getting…

How to Recover After a Tough Workout

How to Recover After a Tough Workout

Bad workouts happen to everyone. No matter how dedicated you are, some days the stars just don’t align. Sometimes you know from the outset you’re not up for your regular sweat-fest. Other times, you get part way through your workout…

13 Effective Tips for Rapid Weight Loss

13 Effective Tips for Rapid Weight Loss

At one point or another, everyone has tried to figure out how to lose weight quickly — whether for an upcoming vacation or for a special event. But everyone has probably also heard — or found out first-hand — how…

Four Inspiring Female Fitness Success Stories

Four Inspiring Female Fitness Success Stories

These ladies transformed their bodies and their lives at home with Beachbody fitness and nutrition programs, and they each won $1,000 as monthly winners of the the Beachbody Challenge contest July 2017! See their jaw-dropping before & after photos… Vanessa…