Category Fitness

Introducing the New Snickerdoodle Shakeology! | BODi

Introducing the New Snickerdoodle Shakeology! | BODi

Get ready to shake up your routine, because something delicious is here from Shakeology. (Hint: It involves cookies!) Meet our latest permanent flavor, inspired by a favorite snack-time treat: Snickerdoodle Plant-Based Vegan Shakeology! Snickerdoodle Shakeology tastes just like the pillowy-soft,…

The Timeframe for Losing Muscle Mass

The Timeframe for Losing Muscle Mass

So, you can’t work out — on account of illness, work stress, gym closure, or life upheaval. It happens. As you get your life back on track, you may start to worry about your waning fitness. How long does it…

Recommended Portions for Each Food Group

Recommended Portions for Each Food Group

Between the likes of Big Gulps, foot-long subs, and trenta-sized lattes (31 ounces!), we’re living in a super-sized world. The proof? So, if portion sizes are completely out of whack these days, then how can you tell how much you’re really eating,…

How Many Steps Make Up a Mile?

How Many Steps Make Up a Mile?

When determining how many steps are in a mile, there are a few factors to consider, including how tall you are and what kinds of steps you’re taking. Are they walking steps? Jogging strides? Sprinting bounds? As a very general…