Nicole McPherson

Nicole McPherson

Movement has always played an important role in my life, not only physically but also mentally and emotionally. Growing up as a gymnast and later a professional dancer, moving my body has always given me so much joy. My passion is to help you find that same joy of movement, guide you to discover the amazing things your body can do and help you feel good in your body, mind & soul. I look forward to moving with you. Move with Nicole!

Does Cycling Affect the Size of Your Butt?

Does Cycling Affect the Size of Your Butt?

If you’re looking to cycling to make your butt bigger — or you’re conversely worried that it will — you should know that building muscle isn’t easy. It’s a process that requires resistance training and proper nutrition in equal, ample…

10 Exercises to Boost Size and Strength

10 Exercises to Boost Size and Strength

Biceps exercises are a real bone of contention for some folks. Functional gurus will tell you that bulging biceps won’t help you escape a burning building. Powerlifters will say they don’t do much for your deadlift. Some fitness curmudgeons even…