Category Fitness

Introducing the LIIFT MORE Apparel Collection | BODi

Introducing the LIIFT MORE Apparel Collection | BODi

*Note: Program apparel is available for a limited time, while supplies last. Introducing the LIIFT MORE Apparel Collection, designed exclusively by BODi Super Trainer Joel Freeman. This apparel line features two brand-new styles designed for pre-and-post LIIFT MORE workouts. Get…

Simple Meal Prep Recipes | BODi

Simple Meal Prep Recipes | BODi

Breakfast // Lunch & Dinner // Snacks Preparing several meals at once may seem daunting at first, especially if you’re new to the idea of portion control, meal prep recipes, or cooking with healthy ingredients. But with a little planning and practice,…

14 Quick Self-Care Activities You Can Do in 20 Minutes

14 Quick Self-Care Activities You Can Do in 20 Minutes

When you’re busy, it’s self-care that gets cut first. Instead of trying to multitask, divide your to-dos into 20-minute chunks. Doing so “tends to decrease overwhelm and facilitate a can-do attitude,” explains Carla Marie Manly, Ph.D. clinical psychologist and author of Joy…

Energize Gummies by Beachbody | BODi

Energize Gummies by Beachbody | BODi

If you’re a fan of Beachbody Performance Energize, here’s a new way to enjoy your favorite pre-workout supplement: Energize gummies! This recipe is super easy — all you need are four ingredients! You can use a gummy mold or a…

Snack Hack: Recipe for Cinnamon Spiced Popcorn

Snack Hack: Recipe for Cinnamon Spiced Popcorn

Popcorn is a healthy snack, as long as it’s not coated in oil or butter. Read on to get Autumn Calabrese’s 21 Day Fix-approved popcorn recipe and how she elevates the flavor with herbs and spices. Cinnamon Spiced Popcorn Total…

Top 15 Core Exercises from Beachbody Programs

Top 15 Core Exercises from Beachbody Programs

From Google searches to message board posts, no other part of the body draws as much inquiry as the muscles comprising the core. Lean, defined abdominals and obliques have not only become the emblem of fitness, they provide logistical support…